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In Loving Memory...
...of all the family and friends
I have lost along the way,
I dedicate this to you.
Although you're gone, I do not fear,
because I know, you will always be here.
I think about you, every single day,
so your memory, will never fade away.
I'll always be thinking of you, now and forever,
for I know one day, we'll be back together.


Alfred "Alfie" Camerlin, Class of 1970
Entered Heaven September 15, 2013
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!
Rev. Louis Derbes, Faculty
Went to His Eternal Home May 16, 2010
Requiescat in Pace, Father...!!!
Charles Shepard, Class of 1972
Departed this Life June 2, 1997
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!
Steven Wojtak, Class of 1973
Laid to Rest September, 1985
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!
Bishop Francis Green, Tucson Diocese
Asleep in Christ May 11, 1995
Requiescat in Pace, Loyal Servant...!!!
Alex J. Carrillo, Class of 1973
Bereft of Life March 7, 2006
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!
Rev. Leo Gattes, Faculty
Entered into Eternal Life June, 1982
Requiescat in Pace, Father...!!!
Rev. Alphonse Hoernig, Faculty
With the Angels March 22, 2017
Requiescat in Pace, Father...!!!
Kevin Quigley, Class of 1974
Taken by Our Lord March 24, 2012
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

John W. Frady, Class of 1966
Summoned Home Dec 17, 2016
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!
William L. Dunn, MD, Class of 1963
Yielded His Spirit April 1, 2013
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!
John A Kreyche, Class of 1970
Taken December 1, 1991
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

Eric J. Robichaud, Class of 1967
Reunited with Family Dec 30, 2017
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

John Caretto, Class of 1965
Gone to the Master
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

Timothy Derksen, Class of 1965
Let Go to be With Christ
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

Forrest Doerner, Class of 1960
Born to a Better Place
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

Eugene Stratman, Class of 1965
Resigned His Soul to Christ
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

Thomas Sullivan, Class of 1965
Traded to the Angels
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

Jude A. Troutman, Class of 1964
Home With the Lord March 21, 1991
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

Rev. John B. Bardon, Class of 1960
At Eternal Peace April 25, 1998
Requiescat in Pace, Father...!!!

Francis Fleming, Class of 1970
In a Better Place
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

Donald Gerkin, Class of 1971
Entered Into Eternity
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

Duane Micetic, Class of 1969
Called to His Reward
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

Bishop Daniel Gercke, Tucson Diocese
In Heaven With Christ March 19, 1964
Requiescat in Pace, Most Reverend...!!!

Ruben R. Mendoza, Class of 1969
Lost to the Angels March 1, 2019
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

Dr. Benard F. Ronan, Class of 1968
Passed Peacefully March 28, 2016
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

Rev. Fr. Robert Tamminga, Class of 1968
Given His Reward June 17, 2020
Requiescat in Pace, Father...!!!
Stephen A. Marcy, Class of 1972
Taking It Easy July 5, 2020
Rest In Peace, Brother...!!!

Rev. Fr. Robert J. Jones, Faculty Teacher
In Heavenly Peace February 10, 2020
Requiescat in Pace, Father...!!!

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